Unternehmen in Europa vernachlässigen die technologischen Kompetenzen ihrer Mitarbeiter

Europe’s businesses leaving workers behind in the technology skills race

Over two-thirds of employees want more training in digital technologies from their employers
Ricoh Europe, London, 03 October 2017 – European workers want to use more innovative digital technology at work but confess they lack the skills to make it effective, according to a study commissioned by Ricoh Europe.
Nearly 40% of the 3,600 workers surveyed said a lack of skills stops the introduction of new technology being useful. 67% want employers to put more emphasis on training while only 27% think their company invests the right amount.
Javier Diez-Aguirre, VP Corporate Marketing, Ricoh Europe said: “There is a great deal of hype in Europe around digital empowerment and its impact on productivity. While AI and automation will transform the way that we work, a lack of training will drastically reduce ROI. Businesses need to consider the person who will be using the new technology. No amount of infrastructure spending will help a business that isn’t encouraging its staff to develop the right skills”.
Tellingly, 34% of employees say they still don’t feel equipped to properly use even the more common software and hardware solutions - such as Microsoft Office, multi-function printers and PCs - let alone newer technologies such as complex process automation.
In addition, there are concerns about a growing generational gap. 70% agree younger employees are better suited to working with new types of technology. As a result, 33% of employees worry they’ll soon be out of a job.
Diez-Aguirre added: “Despite headlines about being replaced by robots, Europe’s workers see technology as a way to do higher value work not something that will replace them. However, improving workers’ confidence to use new technology is not a catch-all situation. Successfully empowering digital workplaces requires different skillsets and a variety of needs must be catered for. Engaging with workers at every step is vital.”

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Ricoh soutient les lieux de travail numériques en utilisant des technologies et des services novateurs qui permettent aux utilisateurs de travailler plus intelligemment, où qu’ils soient.

Grâce aux connaissances et aux capacités organisationnelles acquises et cultivées au cours de ses 85 années d’existence, Ricoh est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de services numériques, de gestion de l’information et de solutions d’impression et d’imagerie conçus pour soutenir la transformation numérique et optimiser la performance des entreprises.

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